Friday, August 23, 2013

My Mini-Me

There are days where I feel like Dr. Evil due to the simple fact that I have my very own Mini-Me. My daughter, though her features are a good mixture of mine & the hubby's, has inherited many of my mannerisms, in a short 4 months.

She sleeps in the same positions that I do. It amuses the hubby to peek into the bedroom when baby & I are sleeping in and see that we are in the EXACT same position. I've lost count of the number of times this has happened.

The most recent thing that I noticed is that she's picked up the habit of chewing on her lower lip. Until she started doing that, I didn't realize how often I do the exact same thing without even thinking. When I concentrate or am lost in thought, inevitably I end up unconsciously chewing on my lower lip. And Apparently I've been doing it most of my life, because I opened up one of my photo albums the other day and saw a picture of me as a baby, close to the same age as my daughter is now, with my lower lip in my mouth...

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