Sunday, August 11, 2013

Geeky Baby Names

My daughter has the kind of name that geeks & non-geeks can embrace. Geeks love the connection to the sadly short lived brainchild of Joss Whedon. Non-geeks see it as a pretty, if slightly unusual name. I love it for both reasons.

When we first found out that I was pregnant, picking a girl's first name was a no-brainer. The hubby & I both loved the name Serenity. We didn't completely settle on a middle name until after she was born, though. We went with a family name for her middle name. It didn't cross my mind for a while that her middle name is also a bit geeky due to a character in an anime having the same name.

Because I'm a geek and a mom, I like looking at lists of geeky baby names. I've compiled a list of my own personal favorites (and of course mention where they come from.)

Boys Names
Rory (Dr. Who) - Rory Williams, the unexpected BAMF from the Who-verse who just couldn't stop dying.

Logan (X-Men) - The Wolverine. 'Nuff said.

Malcom (Firefly) - Captain Tightpants, FTW!

Thorin (the Hobbit) - Not the nicest dwarf, but he has the most usable name in the real world.

Ian - Naming your kid after Sir Ian McKellen comes with double geek cred, since he's Gandalf & Magneto.

Girls Names
Amelia (Dr. Who) - Spunky, fiery, red-headed companion to the 11th doctor. Comes with the bonus of not being overtly geeky.

River (Dr. Who & Firefly) - River is the double geek cred name I like for girls. River Song in Dr. Who and River Tam in Firefly are both strong, if slightly mental, women.

Éowyn (LOTR) - She killed the Witch King of Angmar. If that isn't a strong female namesake, I don't know what is.

Linnea (After botanist Carl Linnaeus) - This is one of the geekiest, without sounding geeky, names that I like. It doesn't get much geekier than naming your daughter after a flower that's named after a botanist.

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