Saturday, November 30, 2013


The last almost 2 years have been...interesting. In February of 2012 I lost the job I had for nearly 5 years, and was unemployed for 8 months. The same week I found out that my first round of unemployment benefits had run out I found out I was pregnant. Since having my daughter we've basically lived paycheck-to-paycheck. There was even a month where we had to rely on the charity of family in order to keep food on the table.

In spite of the roller coaster ride life has taken us on lately, I'm very thankful for so many things. I am thankful that we have a roof over our heads still. I am thankful that we have paid off, reliable transportation. I am thankful that we've never had to go hungry, or be too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer. I am thankful for having a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy, a healthy, uncomplicated labor & delivery and a happy, healthy baby girl. I am thankful that even though things have been tight, and we don't have money for the things we want, we have always had the things we NEED. I am thankful for having the best, most wonderful bunch of family and friends a person could wish for.

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